"Don't ever judge a book by its cover. I never do. You never know what's out there and if people really are who they say they are."

"To handle yourself, use your head;
to handle others, use your heart!"

"I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person." - Audrey Hepburn

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Extra Credit, NO TECHNOLOGY?!

So I'm attempting for this week to NOT use technology. I started this Wednesday, and I'm going through withdrawel. My phone is being a piece of crap, regardless of the extra credit experiment.

Honestly, I wouldn't call this a project. I'd call it an experiment. So far, I don't know what I would consider to be passing.

Well, I'm not using my laptop for Facebook, as much, although I sort of forgot and logged on. My roomate came over and yelled at me to get off SO I did. But I CAN DO THIS. Hahahaah, this is pathetic.

My name is Kiersten and I'm a Facebook addict.

Not only am I a Facebook addict, but I'm a cell-phone and hair straightener addict. I have straight hair, honestly so I actually don't even need to straighten it. So I haven't been. I haven't even blow dryed it which I usually do EVERY DAY. This is TERRIBLE for hair, so I'm hoping this is semi-beneficial for my hair regardless of the messy poneytail it's been pulling off lately.

My phone is driving me insane. It turns itself off, and won't turn back on. :( I'm dying. I won't be getting another phone until next weekend. Honestly I feel disconnected from reality AND my boyfriend AND my best friends and it's driving me insane.

Honestly, it really is pathetic how dependable we are on technology. Like, we have no idea what to do without it.


My phone is a dud, my straightener and blow dryer are hidden by my roomate, and my car is in the shop, and my Facebook is probably loaded with "updates." UGH

But at least I'm getting homework done much more efficiently.

I READ FOR GOVERNMENT. Points for meee! :]

Wish me luck.

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