"Don't ever judge a book by its cover. I never do. You never know what's out there and if people really are who they say they are."

"To handle yourself, use your head;
to handle others, use your heart!"

"I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person." - Audrey Hepburn

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Clockwork Orange

This book definitely seems weird. I mean, I've heard of the movie before choosing to read the book, and it is pretty insane. The violence is crazy!!!!

I must say that the word choice and language in the novel is pretty confusing, although it's pretty neat as well. What I'm mostly trying to figure out so far, is how Alex came to be so violent? I mean, he likes classical music, seems to have a good family life (as far as we know) and is somehow the leader of his extremely violent gang!

Maybe we actually have it all wrong, maybe there's something we're missing in his family life. Or maybe this is just the culture, or the "cool" thing to do at the time.

But I do NOT and will not EVER think that beating up an innocent old man is FUN!? NEVER. What the heck?

And when the group beat up the man who owned the shop, they raped his wife right in front of him. That's honestly MORE than just violence ...that makes me sick.

So far, I hate this novel.

Also, in class it was honestly interesting to see everyone's opinion. I truly thought it was strange that I was one of the three that DISAGREED that "everyone should have the right to a choice."

I strongly stand by this choice! You can't just go and kill an innocent person, or an innocent old man in Andy's case for NO reason! Why the heck would you do that? This is just disgusting.

I mean, sometimes when people make choices, ESPECIALLY LIKE THIS ONE, it takes someone else's choice away.

This book is disgusting.


  1. I have to say that I agree with everything you said! Alex is very hard to figure out for the reasons you stated but yet why does he act like this? Its a very confusing novel to read, and so far, I'm barley understanding whats going on. But yet the book is interesting and is always making us think about what could happen next. I agree with your choice too, I think I was one of the three that was in that same position as you. We'll just have to wait and see what happens with the book, I'm sure it will only get worse!

  2. Yea the book is very hard to figure out especially when you look at all the wrong things that they are doing and they are agreeing with them! its a shame that they get a "kick" out of doing these mindless acts..and when they went after the little girl i got sick to my stomach it was such a shame..
