"Don't ever judge a book by its cover. I never do. You never know what's out there and if people really are who they say they are."

"To handle yourself, use your head;
to handle others, use your heart!"

"I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person." - Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

wow, a REAL commercial ?!

This commercial clearly mocks other tampon commercials, I thought this was hilarious. Just thought I'd share :)

Monday, March 29, 2010


After reading into more of the novel "A Clockwork Orange," I've come to understand it more. However, I still really do not like it.

But I've come to the conclusion that this is life. I mean, violence just honestly seems to be everywhere. Why do serial killers do what they do? Why do people rape? Why do people fight/ yell/ do anything they do? I think I've thought too far into this, however it makes sense.

After more intense group discussion this week. I honestly wonder if power is truly the answer. I honestly beg to differ. After reading Culture Jam and Feed and watching the clip Killing Us Softley, it seems as though people are just BORED. I mean, clearly this is not the core reason, however it strongly contributes! I mean, in Feed the first sentance states the the MOON was BORING!

I wouldn't think the moon would be boring... but hey that's me. And that's my generation.

This is Alex's generation. I sure as heck hope we do not turn into this. I mean, violence as a hobby.

Does anyone agree?

Also, as I told my group members in class. I thought it was truly ironic about how Alex could see what he saw about himself, and then turn around and say he was in a gang. It seems like people don't learn, they'll just go out and do it again.

One day last summer, my dad caught a man attempting to steal things out of our shed. They caught the man and put him and jail. The police told my dad that they'd seen people like that man all the time, that they would just steal and go to jail, take a break there eat some food, and then get out of jail and do it again!

What the heck.

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Clockwork Orange

This book definitely seems weird. I mean, I've heard of the movie before choosing to read the book, and it is pretty insane. The violence is crazy!!!!

I must say that the word choice and language in the novel is pretty confusing, although it's pretty neat as well. What I'm mostly trying to figure out so far, is how Alex came to be so violent? I mean, he likes classical music, seems to have a good family life (as far as we know) and is somehow the leader of his extremely violent gang!

Maybe we actually have it all wrong, maybe there's something we're missing in his family life. Or maybe this is just the culture, or the "cool" thing to do at the time.

But I do NOT and will not EVER think that beating up an innocent old man is FUN!? NEVER. What the heck?

And when the group beat up the man who owned the shop, they raped his wife right in front of him. That's honestly MORE than just violence ...that makes me sick.

So far, I hate this novel.

Also, in class it was honestly interesting to see everyone's opinion. I truly thought it was strange that I was one of the three that DISAGREED that "everyone should have the right to a choice."

I strongly stand by this choice! You can't just go and kill an innocent person, or an innocent old man in Andy's case for NO reason! Why the heck would you do that? This is just disgusting.

I mean, sometimes when people make choices, ESPECIALLY LIKE THIS ONE, it takes someone else's choice away.

This book is disgusting.