"Don't ever judge a book by its cover. I never do. You never know what's out there and if people really are who they say they are."

"To handle yourself, use your head;
to handle others, use your heart!"

"I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person." - Audrey Hepburn

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


After watching the Brave New World movie clip in class today, this is starting to seem more real. Like this could actually happen...

At first honestly I thought Clockwork Orange was insane, Feed was just out there and Culture Jam was sarcastically truthful. It seems as though each of the novels have grown to become more realistic. Like Feed's Violet, Fahrenheit 451 also had a character that wanted out of this new world. Clarisse as well as Violet resembled previous generations, a dislike toward technology, and an appreciation toward nature.

It is ultimately horrible how it seems like violence contributes toward the use of technology. It truly does. In example, the Brave New World clip proves this. The newscaster stated "parents want to know if there is any technology that can help with kidnappings." "Kids can't even play in the front yard."

There is now a "solution" to this problem. A computerized chip implanted in children with a tracking device. What the heck! I mean, terribly enough, this seems like a decent idea for parents who have experienced their child being kidnapped. To the world who has not experienced it, it might seem crazy. There is just so much violence now, it's clearly pathetic.

Why can't everyone just be good?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Could it happen?

So as I was reading the rest of the book last weekend, my boyfriend glanced over to see the book and stated "that book is the stupidest book I've ever read."

That is clearly false, because I doubt he actually read the book. I just continued reading, ignoring it basically. Although honestly, I'm sure a lot of people think the same thing. Are we denying that this could happen? Or do we actually just not think it could happen...

Could it happen?

I was definitely in suspense as Montag was running away, and finally outsmarted the media. This was clearly hard to do.

It honestly scares me, each of the novels portrays a different interpretation of futuristic scares.

I was thinking, is this seclusion and destroying of books that is trying to keep people all the same actually attempting to prevent violence? I mean, it sounds crazy, yet think about it.

If everyone thinks the same, there would be no argument, no actual varying opinion. Everyone would think the same, so what would there be to fight about?

However, I could be completely wrong.

I know when I meet someone who's just like me, in any way or anything I honestly don't like them. Opposite's attract? I mean, my friends are a lot like me, but not JUST like me or anything. Egh.

Strange theory?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fahrenheit 451

So far, Fahrenheit 451 isn't a bad book. I've been meaning to read it for a while, I've always been curious as to what it was truly about.

It seems as though each of the novels so far have the same moral and theme, although express different negative hypothesis toward what the future holds. It's a tad scary.

With Fahrenheit 451, the fireman don't put out fires, they start them. They burn books, seems almost scared of nature, and let technology control their minds. The most odd, is the burning book part which makes this different among the previous books.

Mildred even attempts to kill herself, as all the woman does is sit in her chair surrounded by 3 TVs that appear to be taken over the wall... that's awful.

These people all seem lifeless. I mean, that's what they have in each book. Lifeless. Technology does this for us that we don't need to do, therefore making it "easier." However, I beg to differ. This is poison.

All in all, I'm curious to the ending. Will this be like the others?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

wow, a REAL commercial ?!

This commercial clearly mocks other tampon commercials, I thought this was hilarious. Just thought I'd share :)

Monday, March 29, 2010


After reading into more of the novel "A Clockwork Orange," I've come to understand it more. However, I still really do not like it.

But I've come to the conclusion that this is life. I mean, violence just honestly seems to be everywhere. Why do serial killers do what they do? Why do people rape? Why do people fight/ yell/ do anything they do? I think I've thought too far into this, however it makes sense.

After more intense group discussion this week. I honestly wonder if power is truly the answer. I honestly beg to differ. After reading Culture Jam and Feed and watching the clip Killing Us Softley, it seems as though people are just BORED. I mean, clearly this is not the core reason, however it strongly contributes! I mean, in Feed the first sentance states the the MOON was BORING!

I wouldn't think the moon would be boring... but hey that's me. And that's my generation.

This is Alex's generation. I sure as heck hope we do not turn into this. I mean, violence as a hobby.

Does anyone agree?

Also, as I told my group members in class. I thought it was truly ironic about how Alex could see what he saw about himself, and then turn around and say he was in a gang. It seems like people don't learn, they'll just go out and do it again.

One day last summer, my dad caught a man attempting to steal things out of our shed. They caught the man and put him and jail. The police told my dad that they'd seen people like that man all the time, that they would just steal and go to jail, take a break there eat some food, and then get out of jail and do it again!

What the heck.

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Clockwork Orange

This book definitely seems weird. I mean, I've heard of the movie before choosing to read the book, and it is pretty insane. The violence is crazy!!!!

I must say that the word choice and language in the novel is pretty confusing, although it's pretty neat as well. What I'm mostly trying to figure out so far, is how Alex came to be so violent? I mean, he likes classical music, seems to have a good family life (as far as we know) and is somehow the leader of his extremely violent gang!

Maybe we actually have it all wrong, maybe there's something we're missing in his family life. Or maybe this is just the culture, or the "cool" thing to do at the time.

But I do NOT and will not EVER think that beating up an innocent old man is FUN!? NEVER. What the heck?

And when the group beat up the man who owned the shop, they raped his wife right in front of him. That's honestly MORE than just violence ...that makes me sick.

So far, I hate this novel.

Also, in class it was honestly interesting to see everyone's opinion. I truly thought it was strange that I was one of the three that DISAGREED that "everyone should have the right to a choice."

I strongly stand by this choice! You can't just go and kill an innocent person, or an innocent old man in Andy's case for NO reason! Why the heck would you do that? This is just disgusting.

I mean, sometimes when people make choices, ESPECIALLY LIKE THIS ONE, it takes someone else's choice away.

This book is disgusting.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Well, it's over :)

So I can use technology freely now :)

But you know what? I kind of think about it now. It is truly insane on how much we rely on technology. I think of Bark, I think of Culture Jam, and Feed and how I do NOT want to be like those kids in Feed!!

Well, me and my friend Ali went to the gym on Thursday, my last day to keep away from technology. She went right toward the elyptical and treadmill. I'm thinking, um that's technologyyy, so I headed over to stretch and maybe run around the court. She joined me soon after, laughing at me because of how seriously I was attempting to take the project. We ran for a little, and then decided to do a Zumba and Kick Boxing class. It was actually really fun, and pretty amusing because of how out of shape we were!

Honestly, running in general, and running on an operated machine are definitely different.

We are now going to zumba Wendesday and Thursday nights :) and perhaps kick boxing, maybe. Haha :)

Anyway, throughout this whole experience I have definitely become more AWARE. That would truly define my learning experience, ultimately.

I attended Bark's funeral, this Saturday in Malvern, PA. I told my Bria (Bark's daughter) all about my NON-technology experience, and she laughed and said, "yeap, that's Bark for ya!"

I admire his decision deeply, honestly.

All in all, this wasn't as hard as it sounded. I definitely benefited. I can honestly say I actually APPLIED myself more with my homework, found two new hobbies at the gym:), and just have a whole different approach.

Let's not let technology control us, okay?